What Guys Really Look For in a Girl
by Danielle King
You hear this conversation being carried out all the time--either between teenage girls gushing over their crush of the week, or even during a late-night discussion between your mom and her lady friends listening to yet ANOTHER one of Mrs. Williams’ sappy “Why didn’t he call me back?” sob stories, and it was even a #1 blockbuster hit titled He’s Just Not That Into You. With all of these examples, we can guess that relationship issues occur worldwide and every person, no matter what age or race, goes through them. But we also know that as teenage girls, these problems can feel more like life-crushing dilemmas rather than a regular issues. With all of these movies and magazines filled with pictures of alluring, hot, scantily-clad girls telling you that if you’re not hot, then you are nothing, it’s almost impossible not to feel bad about yourself or question whether every guy wants that. Well, fret no more! Because The Progress Howl is on the case, and we found out everything that a teenage girl needs to know about what guys like in a girl. From their personality, likes and dislikes, and even down to their inner fantasy chica. Girls, this is a definite must-read!
Question #1: Do looks matter to all guys?
Answer: Yes, it most certainly does, and whoever told you that it does not, is seriously lying to you! No, I’m totally kidding! Typically, yes looks do matter for a guy--if he’s completely superficial. While most guys do admit that when they first meet their girlfriends or any other girl for that matter, there are certain physical things that they find stand out, which is not always a bad thing. But as for keeping the girl just for her looks? Well, it depends on the guy. While doing a recent survey with some Progress High School boys, there were some guys that gave us the complete wrong answer. One guy at Progress (whose name will remain anonymous for obvious reasons) gave us the answer we were not looking for. “Yes, looks does matter in a relationship. It’s because of society makes looks important, so guys do as well. Besides, things that are seen as ugly are seen as negative, so why date something ugly and negative. I wouldn’t go out with someone incredibly ugly so yeah, looks are important.”
One senior at Progress said the same thing. “Yeah most guys like for their girls to look hot when they’re walking around with them, so she can kind of be like his trophy hot chick.” But aside from all of these somewhat vain answers, there were a lot of guys that felt that there was more to a girl than just her looks. “No, it always doesn’t. If a girl is pretty but she has a bad attitude, then she’s only temporary, only a hookup. I’m not gonna want a girl that gives me lip all of the time. She’s gotta be nice and fun.”
Bottom Line: Not all teenage guys date girls just for their looks. There are some that actually want to get to know a girl emotionally. You just REALLY need to look for them, so don’t fret sister! There are some out there.
Question #2: Why does it seem like guys only like ditzy girls?
Answer: For one, not every single guy goes after the hot, ditzy chick who goes along with everything that he says, so scratch that one off of your list! Most guys go for girls that are fun and are able to make their own decisions. As one gentleman who calls himself “Soldier4U” writes on a message board on www.yahoohelp.com,“When I look for a girl, I want her to be down with trying new things. I want a girl that’s adventurous and has her own thoughts and views. I want us to be able to argue once in a while or debate about something to keep our relationship interesting. She’s got to have something to talk about, not just be a hot board saying nothing.” Kevin, a junior at Progress notes, “Yeah, guys do like girls that are up for anything, but we don’t like it when you say anything just to sound promising or what you think we’ll like. Just be spontaneous and flirty, but fun at the same time. Trust me, we’ll remember you.”
Bottom Line: Guys are into girls that are just themselves and up for a good time. While, yeah, the hot chicks that you see in movies or anywhere else are always up for anything, try to see if this “anything” is something positive. If not, try to differentiate yourself from that kind of spontaneity. You’ll get good results.
Question #3: Why do guys obsess over the hot babes in sexy magazines?
Answer: Yeah, we understand. As if the Beyonces, Jessica Albas and Kim Kardashians aren’t enough to make us feel bad, you bring in the model with the perfect hair, skin, abs, body, EVERYTHING! While these are qualities that guys do admire in a girl, they’re not the be-all end-all qualities or things that guys look for when thinking of a perfect girlfriend. Although on a guy’s list of girlfriend traits, while “totally hot with smokin bod” may be number one half of the time, just remember that half of the time if a guy even comes close to speaking with a hot chick like that, a lot of them completely freeze up or do not know what to say next, so give them a break! And think about it... is it necessarily cheating when you’re in your room daydreaming about Zac Efron? I think not! So try to understand that it’s totally normal for a guy to behave this way. And about those perfect girls? Just know that it’s totally not realistic to find any girl that looks like that 24/7, so be more optimistic about it next time, and don’t stress it!
Bottom Line: Well, we’ve finally come to an end! Throughout this whole article, we have learned about guys and all of their likes and dislikes, and what we’ve come to realize is that all guys just want a girl who is nice, cute, non-complicated (meaning drama-free!) and just has a good personality. While you may think that looking hot, having the best body, being the skinniest and saying the coolest flirty phrases ever possible will definitely help win a guy over. While these are added bonuses, they aren’t the be-all end-all for all guys. Most of them just want a girl who is smart, able to make her own decisions and just secure with herself...and all of that has to come before all of the make-up and cute clothes. So try to remember that, and remain strong and comfortable with yourself because that, chica, is a huge turn-on for most guys.
Until next time!
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