Monday, May 18, 2009

June Horoscopes by Chandra Kadar

Mar 21-Apr 19

May is not really your month but don’t let that bring you down. You’re an exciting person with a great personality.  Don’t give up on love.  It's only normal to get your heart broken, but true love will find you soon--sooner than you think.

Highlights: Life is too short, so stop pouting around. Do something for you and keep an open eye for your true love.

Apr 20-May 20

You love being in control of everything, but it's time you stop and give someone else a chance. Being bossy and demanding is pushing the ones you care about farther away. Don't wait till tomorrow to express your love for them.  Tomorrow is not always promised.

Highlights: Try being yourself for a week and see how differently people behave around you. You'll see the difference. Don’t take the ones you love for granted. Like they say, you never know what you have until it’s gone.

May 21-Jun 20

It seems like your life is finally complete.  You have a great boyfriend, wonderful friends and a family that will stand by you no matter what. But you need to open your eyes and see reality. Dont get blinded by love. We often love and never realize it until our hearts get broken, so be careful.

Highlights:  Finding love is great, but dont let it blind you from reality. With family and friends like you have, anything is possible with you.

Jun 21-Jul 22

Youre going through some difficult times in your life, but just keep a positive attitude. God only gives you as much as you can handle.  You’re a strong person and you will get through anything without breaking.

Highlights: If everyone had a positive attitude like yours, the world would be a better place. Life may seem hard now, but things ALWAYS get better.  Just keep doing what you’re doing, and you will see.  Only time will tell! 

Jul 23- Aug 22

You have recently achieved something that means a great deal to you. You have made your family proud, but there are certain people around you that would do anything to bring you down.  KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN.  You have good friends.  Dont leave them behind because you have new ones.

Highlights: Youre smarter than you think.  Dont let anyone tell you otherwise.  Keep in contact wit your old friends.  Something tells me youre going to need them pretty soon.

Aug 23-Sept 22

Stop getting distracted.  Your main priority right now is where you are going to be a month from now.  You need to stop worrying about the future.  No one truly knows what is going to happen. Focus on the people around you, and while doing that, dont forget to thank the ones that have been there for you 24/7.

Highlights:  Nothing is impossible so dont doubt youself. Take the time to thank the ones who have made you who you are today.

Sept 23-Oct 22

I know it's hard losing someone you love, but everything happens for a reason. Things fall apart so that other things can fall into place.  Youre still holding onto the past.  It's understandable, but sometime soon youre going to have to let go.  Time is not going to stop for you.  It's still moving.

Highlights: You cant change what happened in the past, but the future is yours.  Dont waste it holding a grudge.

Oct 23- Nov 21

Youre all about taking risks, but you should really make some long-term decisions. Stress seems to be getting in your way lately.  You need to take some time off for yourself and relax.

Highlights: Risk-taking is a good thing but over-doing it isn't.

Now 22-Dec 21

Of everything you have encountered this year, your life finally seems to be falling into place. Youre always surrounded by people that love you, but dont forget to return the love. Youre a fun and outgoing person.  Keep it up and your life will keep moving forward.

Highlights: You had a rough year so I think its time you relax and spend some time with your loved ones. At this point, you seem focused on one thing.  If you really want it, then do whatever it takes to keep it.

Dec 22- Jan 19

Youre funny as can be, but not everyone seem to thinks that. Dont stop being yourself because of what other people think.  Their opinions really dont matter. You are who you are.  They can either accept you or reject you. News flash!  You shouldnt live your life to please anyone!

Highlights: As long as you have that special person in your life, no one else seems to matter. Your jokes are funny, but only a few can really understand them.

Jan 20-Feb 18

Its about time you break out of your shell and do what you do best. People are starting to step all over you.  Being too nice is really a problem. Life for you seems pretty perfect on the outside, but no one has taken the time to see that its raining on the inside.

Highlights: They say smiles are like band-aids.  They cover up the pain.  Yeah, its true, but is that what you really want?? Find someone you can trust and tell them whats really going on. Behind every beautiful face, there is a story waiting to be told. No one will hear your story if you dont speak out.

Fen 19- Mar 20

Youre still in the state of being shocked about something someone close to you did.  Eventually you will accept it.  For the past couple of weeks, you seem to be having a blast with your friends and family, which is great.  It shows you have been bonding.  Youre a good friend whether you believe it or not.  Youre always there when someone needs you.

Highlights: Only with time will you come to accept the decision made by your friend.  Even if you do it in your own time, she will still be waiting to hear you say it.  There seems to be a big celebration coming up.  Dont forget to have fun.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Guys Really Look For in a Girl by Danielle King

What Guys Really Look For in a Girl

by Danielle King

    You hear this conversation being carried out all the time--either between teenage girls gushing over their crush of the week, or even during a late-night discussion between your mom and her lady friends listening to yet ANOTHER one of Mrs. Williams’ sappy “Why didnt he call me back? sob stories, and it was even a #1 blockbuster hit titled Hes Just Not That Into You. With all of these examples, we can guess that relationship issues occur worldwide and every person, no matter what age or race, goes through them. But we also know that as teenage girls, these problems can feel more like life-crushing dilemmas rather than a regular issues.  With all of these movies and magazines filled with pictures of alluring, hot, scantily-clad girls telling you that if youre not hot, then you are nothing, its almost impossible not to feel bad about yourself or question whether every guy wants that. Well, fret no more! Because The Progress Howl is on the case, and we found out everything that a teenage girl needs to know about what guys like in a girl. From their personality, likes and dislikes, and even down to their inner fantasy chica. Girls, this is a definite must-read!

 Question #1: Do looks matter to all guys?

 Answer: Yes, it most certainly does, and whoever told you that it does not, is seriously lying to you! No, Im totally kidding! Typically, yes looks do matter for a guy--if hes completely superficial. While most guys do admit that when they first meet their girlfriends or any other girl for that matter, there are certain  physical things that they find stand out, which is not always a bad thing. But as for keeping the girl just for her looks? Well, it depends on the guy. While doing a recent survey with some Progress High School boys, there were some guys that gave us the complete wrong answer. One guy at Progress (whose name will remain anonymous for obvious reasons) gave us the answer we were not looking for. Yes, looks does matter in a relationship. Its because of society makes looks important, so guys do as well. Besides, things that are seen as ugly are seen as negative, so why date something ugly and negative. I wouldnt go out with someone incredibly ugly so yeah, looks are important.
 One senior at Progress said the same thing. “Yeah most guys like for their girls to look hot when theyre walking around with them, so she can kind of be like his trophy hot chick. But aside from all of these somewhat vain answers, there were a lot of  guys that felt that there  was more to a girl than just her looks. No, it always doesnt. If a girl is pretty but she has a bad attitude, then shes only temporary, only a hookup. Im not gonna want a girl that gives me lip all of the time. Shes gotta be nice and fun. 

Bottom Line: Not all teenage guys date girls just for their looks. There are some that actually want to get to know a girl emotionally. You just REALLY need to look for them, so dont fret sister! There are some out there. 

 Question #2: Why does it seem like guys only like ditzy girls? 

 Answer: For one, not every single guy goes after the hot, ditzy chick who goes along with everything that he says, so scratch that one off of your list! Most guys go for girls that are fun and are able to make their own decisions. As one gentleman who calls himself Soldier4U” writes on a message board on,When I look for a girl, I want her to be down with trying new things. I want a girl thats adventurous and has her own thoughts and views. I want us to be able to argue once in a while or debate about something to keep our relationship interesting. Shes got to have something to talk about, not just be a hot board saying nothing. Kevin, a junior at Progress notes, Yeah, guys do like girls that are up for anything, but we dont like it when you say anything just to sound promising or what you think well like. Just be spontaneous and flirty, but fun at the same time. Trust me, well remember you.

Bottom Line:  Guys are into girls that are just themselves and up for a good time.  While, yeah, the hot chicks that you see in movies or anywhere else are always up for anything, try to see if this anything is something positive.  If not, try to differentiate yourself from that kind of spontaneity. Youll get good results. 

Question #3: Why do guys obsess over the hot babes in sexy magazines?

Answer: Yeah, we understand. As if the Beyonces, Jessica Albas and Kim Kardashians arent enough to make us feel bad, you bring in the model with the perfect hair, skin, abs, body, EVERYTHING! While these are qualities that guys do admire in a girl, theyre not the be-all end-all qualities or things that guys look for when thinking of a perfect girlfriend. Although on a guys list of girlfriend traits, while totally hot with smokin bod may be number one half of the time, just remember that half of the time if a guy even comes close to speaking with a hot chick like that, a lot of them completely freeze up or do not know what to say next, so give them a break! And think about it... is it necessarily cheating when youre in your room daydreaming about Zac Efron? I think not! So try to understand that its totally normal for a guy to behave this way.  And about those perfect girls? Just know that its totally not realistic to find any girl that looks like that 24/7, so be more optimistic about it next time, and dont stress it!

Bottom Line: Well, weve finally come to an end! Throughout this whole article, we have learned about guys and all of their likes and dislikes, and what weve come to realize is that all guys just want a girl who is nice, cute, non-complicated (meaning drama-free!) and just has a good personality. While you may think that looking hot, having the best body, being the skinniest and saying the coolest flirty phrases ever possible will definitely help win a guy over. While these are added bonuses, they arent the be-all end-all for all guys. Most of them just want a girl who is smart, able to make her own decisions and just secure with herself...and all of that has to come before all of the make-up and cute clothes. So try to remember that, and remain strong and comfortable with yourself because that, chica, is a huge turn-on for most guys.

Until next time!

Friday, May 1, 2009

THE DARFUR GENOCIDE by Cristhian Sanchez

History of the Darfur Genocide

by Cristhian Sanchez

Do you have any idea of what is happening in Darfur, Africa?
A similar genocide as the Holocaust has been going on in our present time. Apparently, this is the 4th genocide in Sudan in the past 30 years. It started as a result of the majority government trying to ethnically cleanse the ethnic tribal population in the Darfur region of Sudan. This genocide began recently in 2003 and will last until some form of world coalition steps in and removes these people from power.

The conflict started in 2003 due to events that had been occurring in the previous years. These events included a number of attacks by Darfur Rebels against the Sudanese government.In February of 2003, the government gave up trying to find the rebels themselves and sent in a number of their own rebel forces known as the "Janjaweed." They were sent in using tactics similar to those which the nazis used in the conquering of the Western Europe. They organized air attacks on villages, followed by artillery, and then they sent in troops to burn, kill, rape, and attack those poor people in Darfur who had done nothing bad.

In February, 2003 , rebels in the western region of Darfur rose up against government, claiming the region was being neglected by Khartoum (capital of Sudan). In March, 2004, UN officials stated that pro-government Arab "Janjaweed" (a janjaweed basically means "A man with a gun on a horse") militias were carrying out systematic killing of thousands of African villagers in Darfur.

During the years 2005-2006 , peace talks occurred , but not all groups accepted them. Conflict still continued. By May, 2007, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for a minister and a janjaweed militia leader suspected of Darfur war crimes. By September of 2007 , the UN (or United Nations) talks on the composition of a Darfur peacekeeping force ended without agreement, meaning that the genocide or the killing of innocent people is still happening.

The US may take action about the genocide going on in Darfur. Our country in now involved. A letter was recently sent to our president, Barack Obama. This letter was written with the purpose of asking him to stop the genocide which is going on for no reason.

Solution:Progress High School should get involved.

According to the data that was collected during a survey given to Progress High School students, only 18 out of every 35 students knew what was happening in Africa. One question of the survey asked the following question, "Would you like this genocide to have and end?" Most of the students said "Yes," but they ended up asking me how they could help. Well, there is a certain website that is totally focused on this issue. On that site people from any country can make donations of only $1.

These people of Darfur need our financial help to purchase food , health supplies and other items. Aid organizations , which are working diligently it help refugees in the camps , need our financial support. Progress High School students should help those mothers and children suffering in Darfur.

Visit if you'd like to contribute only $1. I already made my contribution. Please help us stop the loss of more innocent lives.

Article written by Cristhian Sanchez.

Monday, March 30, 2009

″Signs Your Crush Might Want You″ by Chandra Kadar

Signs that tell you a guy has got a crush on you...

by Chandra Kadar

Have you ever had the feeling that one of your close guy friends might like you as more than a friend? Or that a guy you have got a crush on might like you in return, but you weren't sure? Well now you can be sure with these 39 signs a guy gives to show that he likes you. There are more than 40 signs that a guy may give that he likes a girl, but these are the most important ones for me. These signs help me and maybe they can help you find your true love, or at least help you capture the heart of your crush or your dream-guy. These are just some signs that that special guy has a major CRUSH on you. This might even work to help you find out if your best guy friend thinks it's time to take the friendship to the next level. Very often a girl finds out that the guy that likes her has been her friend for quite a while.

Thirty-Nine Signs that a Guy Likes You:

1) He does a lot of favors for you.
2) He gets to know more about the people you hang out with.
3) He is always there when you need someone to talk to.
4) He talks about his hopes and fears with you.
5) He worries about how you feel.
6) He tends to get sad when you're not smiling.
7) He asks if your single.
8) He doesn't talk about other girls when he is around you.
9) He tags along for a movie even if he has seen it before.
10) His friends know your name.
11) He asks what you look for in a guy or what kind of guy you are looking for.
12) He buys you gifts for no apparent reason (That's a definite sign he likes you as more than a friend).
13) He gets distracted easily when you are around.
14) He stutters when you talk to him.
15) If you catch him looking at you, he looks around pretending to look at someone else.
16) He listens to you and remembers everything you say, even if it's dumb and insignificant.
17) He notices new things about you and compliments you on your new hair-do, shoes, clothes, bag, etc.
18) He gets tense when you are with another guy.
19) He calls for no reason.
20) He talks and looks at you differently than for others girls.
21) He asks how your day was almost every day.
22) He tries his best to spend time with you.
23) He skips practice or time with his friends to hang out with you.
24) He puts his phone on silent whenever he is with you (A major sign he is into you).
25) He comes over to you even when his friends are around.
26) He regularly touches or brushes against you accidentally.
27) He say yes to all the things you ask him to do.
28) He acts immature around you--like playful flirting, teasing, poking.
29) He tries to make you smile all the time (Ding! Ding! He loves seeing you happy).
30) He asks about you to your friends when you are not around.
31) He flirts with your friends to make you jealous.
32) He sings lines from your favorite song when you are around or sends you lyrics from his favorite song.
33) He tells you stories about the stupidest things he did when he was a little kid.
34) He thinks your baby picture is so cute, or he even asks to keep one of them.
35) He treasures whatever you give him, like a card or a note.
36) He watches you favorite movie with you, even though it is a chick flick.
37) He emails you some silly little love poem, knowing that there is a chance your parents might read it.
38) He shows his emotional side to you and trusts you with his deepest secrets.
39) He trusts that he can tell you anything without you judging him.

If you answered YES to less than 10 statements, then this guy is just not into you.
If you answered YES to 11-24 statements, then there is a good chance that this guy likes you.
If you answered YES to 25-35 statements, then this guy is really into you.
If you answered YES to 36 or more statements, then there is an excellent chance that this guy is in love with you but is just scared to admit it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

"Movie Review: Slumdog Millionaire" by Chandrawattie Kadar

Movie Review:
Slumdog Millionaire

by Chandrawattie Kadar

Slumdog Millionaire is a British film directed by Danny Boyle in 2008. Slumdog Millionaire was written by Simon Beaufoy and cofirected in India by Loveleen Tandan. This movie travelled from the slum to the big screen to the red carpet. Slumdog was nominated for ten 2008 Academy Awards and won eight--the most for any film this year, including "Best Picture" and "Best Director." Slumdog Millionaire also won five Critic's Choice Awards, four Golden Globes and seven BAFTA Awards, including "Best Film."

Even with all its success and fame, Slumdog Millionaire was and is a film that is a portrait of India. Slumdog Millionaire is a very heartfelt story that portrays the love that two people can share over time, but it also shows the everyday life of kids in India and the problems that they have to face each day, living in the slums. Can you imagine living in a tent, where there is no running water or electricity or anything of that sort? After watching Slumdog Millionaire, you would want to take back all the bad things you have ever said about your life. You would consider yourself lucky to have all the privileges you have.

Slumdog's Plot

Slumdog Millionaire is about an 18-year-old boy named Jamal Malik. Jamal is an orphan from the slums of Mumbai. Every day for him is a struggle until the day arrives when he makes his appearance on the popular TV show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" With the whole nation watching, Jamal is one question away from winning an astonishing 20 million rupees. But things get fishy when the show breaks for the night, and the police become suspicious that Jamal might be cheating. I mean, how could a kid from the slums know all the answers to the questions, right? Wrong! Maybe Jamal wasn't cheating. Maybe his experiences and the things he has witnessed have led him to know the answers to the questions being asked. Jamal is now desperate to prove he is innocent, so he tells his story about growing up in the slums with his brother, Salim, and the girl he loved and lost, Latika. The inspector gets interested in Jamal's story and wonders what a young man with no desire for riches is doing on a show like "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" But when the final day arrives, the Inspector and the sixty million viewers will find out the real reason Jamal went on the show.

About the Actors

Who on earth is Dev Patel? That's the question hundreds of people are asking. Well, guys, Dev Patel plays one of the main characters in the BEST movie of 2008: Slumdog Millionaire. Dev Patel is an 18-year-old Britich film and television actor, as well as a martial artist. He was born on April 23rd, 1990. Dev is best known for his performances on British television, such as the role of Anwar Kharral in the the teen drama series "Skins" and many more. Dev is a martial artist and is a black belt in Taekwondo. He was even a bronze medalist at the 2004 AIMAA World Championships in Dublin.

Frieda Pinto was born on October 18th, 1984 in Mumbai, India. Frieda was one of two daughters born to bank manager Frederick Pinto and his wife Sylvia, a school principal. Her sister Sharon recently became an associate producer for the NDTV news channel. Pinto always dreamt of becoming and actress. Her dream started to come true after she graduated from St. Xavier College in Mumbai. Frieda worked as a popular model on the Indian circuit. Now Frieda has gone from model to Oscar-winner. Ms. Pinto decided to make her acting dream a reality in 2006 when she auditioned for the heroine-role of Latika, an orphan living in the slums in Slumdog Millionaire. She trained for six months with an acting coach, and the coaching seems to have paid off.

Poetry: 2 poems by Noemy Duran


by Noemy Duran

You took her away
When I really needed her
She was always there
She was family
She wasn't only my grandmother but my hero too

She would get me out of trouble
She would always defend me in problems
She would always be there for me
And she wasn't only my grandmother
But my hero too

But now I lost my grandmother and my hero too
Because she passed away

It's OK you took her away cause
She will be better up there in
Heaven and happier

It's OK you took her away cause
I'll always have her in my

Even though she's not alive
I will always consider her

"Family Feud"
(After Kevin Caval)

by Noemy Duran

My mother's voice rises
Like defense shields when I ask
If she wants a nephew? A niece?
Now or later on in

My father screams
Fist through my stomach when I
mentioned I was

My Grandmother gone and
Not here with me to help me
Get out of this horrible

My aunt says, "Why?
You're so young!
You could have lived your life way better
Than how you gonna live it now."

My brother says, "You the
First one to do this to the family
All I have to say to you is
Why?...So early."

My family says, "We are so ashamed of you."
At the age of 16
Why couldn't you wait any

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Poetry: "Valentine's Day" by Chandrawattie Kadar

Valentine's Day

by Chandrawattie Kadar

If anyone were ever to ask who my true love in life would be,
I would simply smile and tell them, "It would have to be 'He,"
He that kisses me in a way no other could,
He that holds me in way no other would,
He that loves me through the good and the bad, even when he is sad.

He has been known to put his fears aside
To reassure me that in him I can confide
My deepest dreams, my deepest fears,
As we grow closer through the months.

I know he fears his love for me, as it seems to grow stronger every day,
Yet he doesn't understand that I too feel the same way,
Two people that shouldn't yet...two people couldn't imagine life without one another,
We push, we pull, we fight, and we love, yet we always come back to each other.

This love we have is truly one of a kind,
Which makes me realize as I look behind at our past, our present and wherever we go,
That he has my heart..."Forever to hold."

"Teen Love" by Chandrawattie Kadar

So often I hear teenagers saying, "I love you" to their boyfriends and girlfriends, but what does "I love you" really mean? I am not saying their love isn't true. I am saying that they might misguide themselves. Love is one word with a million meanings. I, for one, won't try to define love because--honestly--I can't. Valentine's Day means appreciating the ones you love more with each day that progresses. Before I get more into my story about Valentine's Day, I asked some teens what V-Day meant to them, and this is what they had to say...

"What does Valentine's Day mean to you?"

"Celebrating the ones in your life." - Neteh

"Being with the person you love." - Nakia

"Valentine's Day means nothing to me because what I can do on February 14th, I can do all 364 other days for my girlfriend and other loved ones." - Jake

"Valentine's Day is a day for lovers." - Vic

"A day when you show all your love for that special someone." - Lissette

That's just what some teens had to say. Imagine what all the others might have said. I am not shocked that the few teens I asked gave responses that were very similar to each other.

For adults, Valentine's Day has a whole new meaning. For one adult and teacher I know, Valentine's Day means spending his 12th anniversary with his wife. Adults' meanings of Valentine's Day is often stronger than teens'. I guess that is the result of adults being wiser. Almost half of the teens I know do not like Valentine's Day because they are single or just, straight-up hate the day. I can understand that Valentine's Day can be hurtful to some because of the loved ones they have lost. However, I find it very stupid to dislike Valentine's Day because you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Valentine's Day is about being with the ones you love--it doesn't have to be a romantic relationship. It could be your family, your friends. Only one thing bothers me about Valentine's Day: Why do people only reach out to their loved ones on February 14th? I guess that's another one of my unanswered questions. Valentine's Day is also known as the day of love. Love has so many meanings, but for me, love is an illusion waiting to happen.

A Few Reasons Why Many Teenagers Hate Valentine's Day...

Valentine's Day can be especially sad for a teen if he or she has a crush on someone and that person is with someone else. A very close friend of mine told me that it hurts to know the one you love loves someone else. I am no love-expert, but here is a thought: if you love or like someone, don't wait forever, just tell him or her, and maybe in return they will feel the same way about you. Sometimes in life you have to take the risk and be willing to take a fall with the thought that the one you love will be waiting to catch you before you hit the ground. No couple is perfect--trust me on that. Couples are going to argue, fight and hardly agree on anything, but that's one more reason why they are right for each other. Like my Nana would say, the couple that fights the most is the one that is the most in love. Fighting shows that they care enough to notice when they have different opinion and traits. They say that when you stop fighting, you stop caring, which I think is true. You can't expect to meet the right person as soon as you start dating. You have to have some heartbreak before you find the right guy or girl. I asked many of the teen girls that I know how they feel about finding love at age 15. One of them said, "When you're 15 and a guy say I love you, just say whatever and walk away. That's just like them saying bullsh**. They are both eight letters."

Monday, February 9, 2009

"The Bronze Wolf" by Anthony Haywood

The Bronze Wolf

by Anthony Haywood

The Grand Street Campus Wolves wrestling team's second loss to their bitter rival, the Madison Golden Knights, doesn't mean that it's the end of their season. The mighty Wolves still have a chance to capture third in the city on Tuesday, February 10th, against Curtis HS. The wrestling team had a great season, and even though we didn't capture the city title, wrestlers like senior captains Akinniran Akinfemi and Victor Maldonado would tell you that upon capturing the bronze prize, individual awards are still up for grabs.

I myself have been to about four or five wrestling matches and loved watching my friends represent my school in a way that would make anyone proud. The honor, discipline and effort it takes to bear the sky-blue, white and black Wolves' emblem is something that you never forget, long after your four years at "The Campus." Respect and admiration are earned after you show leadership on this wrestling team and in other Grand Street sports. I know my Wolves will do great in their meeting against Curtis not only because of their strength, talent and skill, but also mainly because of their warrior-like heart that has what it takes to overcome obstacles and claw their way to victory.

Special shout-outs have to go to Mr. John Zarcone, a.k.a. Coach Z. of the GSC wrestling team, for breeding three consecutive championship contending wolf packs. The chemistry was always there in these past few years, and no single Wolf ever went astray. Only smart coaches have the ability to do this efficiently, but Coack Z. is on a level above all others. The goals he accomplished in his early years of coaching are what some average coaches dream to obtain. Also, I want to acknowledge wrestlers Akinniran Akinfemi, Victor Maldonado, Marlon Perez, Dominick Albino and Rjakim Carmichael for their striving focus and discipline to maintain a healthy diet so that they are healthy enough to lead their pack of howling Wolves to victory week after week. Good luck to these brave individuals and to the rest of the GSC Wolves in their futures. What a great season you guys had!

Remember my favorite saying:

"Patience is the key to victory being promised soon, so step on a few foes while you howl at the moon." -Anthony Haywood

Anthony's Prediction: GSC--63 and Curtis HS--49 in Bronze prize battle.

"Student Confrontations" by Selvin Sinclair

Student Confrontations

by Selvin Sinclair

During my time at Progress High School, I have witnessed serious confrontations within the student body. Most of the involved students are getting physical. Mostly this takes place in the lunchroom because many students feel it is the perfect time to settle their differences. My opinion is...who wouldn't start a fight in the lunchroom?!? The lunchroom is huge, full of your friends, and most of the security guards have their eyes on other students (which is understandable because the whole 9th grade is there!). All the more reason why some students feel they can get away with anything and feel that it is a good time to confront their enemy. But the question I want to ask is, "What are good ways students can agree upon when dealing with their confrontations?" One student, JahPaul, told me that whenever a student is messing with him, he focuses his anger on a different topic in order to not get into any trouble with him or her. Felicia, who is another student going to Progress, told me that she would ignore verbal attacks by other students, which I think is a brilliant way to not get into any student confrontations. Last but not least, an anonymous student told me that if she is having trouble with another student, she'll talk to him or her about the situation. All of these techniques are brilliant in their own way. Here are the tips I find helpful when dealing with other students:

1. Ignore. Eventually the student will get tired of messing with you.

2. Tell a friend. Tell your friend about the situation. Maybe he or she will reason with the person.

3. Sit down and talk to the person. If he or she won't give up, tell that person how you feel.

4. Tell his or her friends. Maybe the person's friends will have a better influence on him or her.

These are the tips I recommend when dealing with student confrontation.

Advice from Stephanie Gonzalez

February 3rd, 2009

Hey Stephanie,

How's it going? I have kind of a dilemma. I like two boys. I've liked both of them for the same amount of time. One of the guys is Matt, and I talk to him all of the time--every day--but I barely see him. He doesn't tell me everything, but he's like the sweetest person ever to me and puts up with my annoying habits. Phil, on the other hand, is really attractive and so nice to me. Phil's personality is more appealing to me, and I see him almost every day because we work in the same office. What should I do? My heart's telling me to go with Matt because I have more feelings for him, but I have a lot of feelings for Phil, too, and see him all the time.


Dear You,

This is a very confusing problem because the way I'm seeing, it can go either way for you. You could be good with either one of the two, but I wouldn't suggest that you go for both at the same time. If you say you like Matt that much, then why can't you and him make it your business to set time out to see each other? Of course you're going to keep liking other people if you don't see Matt very often. But if you start seeing him more often and talk to him as much as you say you do, you might just grow to like him. Or, you could go ahead and like Phil because you see him more and continue to have more feelings for another problem. What if that gets in the way of your and Phil's relationship because you will still be thinking of Matt? In my experience, you shouldn't jump into something new when you're not done with what you started. If you end up being with Phil, you should talk to Matt and tell him everything before he ends up getting hurt.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Beauty Secrets" by Danielle King

15 Quick Beauty Secrets for the Diva on the Go!!

by Danielle King

I'm sure, like any normal teenage girl, you want to look cute and presentable. But with the SATs, homework, chores and work right around the corner, it's literally impossible to take any time out for yourself. Well, fear no more, because with these ultra-fast shortcuts, you'll be able to go from "drab" to "fab" in a matter of seconds (and still look cute during your Regents prep class).

Tip #1: The number one tip that every make-up girl should know is that the key to good-looking make-up is great skin! And in the winter time, it is very common for skin to dry out, lose its moisture and begin to look dry and sullen. Well, the secret here would be not only to drink tons of water but to use a facial scrub at least once a week instead of your everyday, regular cleanser. This will shed the old skin off your face--which makes it look dull--and will revive it to new. You can also use the facial scrub a second time the next day and follow it with a good, strong moisturizing facial lotion. (Don't forget: It should be at least SPF 15).

Tip #2: You know what they say: the eyebrows are the window to the soul...okay, it's the eyes that are the window to the soul, but they totally go hand-in-hand! When you have shaggy, unfeminine brows, it totally ruins your look! You can go to your local salon to get them done, or you can do it yourself at home with tweezers or a brow razor. Trust--your face will look ten times fresher.

Tip #3: Your eyes are one of the features that you can really play up the most. If you're in a rush to get re-beautified after lunch, just brush on a shimmery eye shadow that is subtle but big enough to get the cute guy across the class to take notice! FAIR SKIN: Shimmery pink; MEDIUM: Bronze-like color; DARK: Shimmery gold.

Tip #4: When you're tired from all the hard work, sometimes all you need is an eye reviver! Curling your lashes opens your eyes and makes them look wide awake. Just make sure you hold the curler on each eye for at least 15 seconds.

Tip #5: To add onto tip #4, if you want a little extra pizazz, you can also apply a coat of black or brown mascara on the top lashes to look even more wide awake.

Tip #6: We all get bags under our eyes, but when your bags have got bags, it is not a pretty picture. And it really sucks when they show from a long night of "studying" (Wink, wink!). Dab a bit of concealer (that is at least one shade lighter than your skin tone) using your middle or index finger around, on top and under the eye. Basically, put it wherever the lines are noticeable. Make sure not to put too much--you don't want your skin to look like clay!

Tip #7: Facial highlighters are good also! Shimmery eye shadow on the brow bone lights up the face. You can buy one from a store like Sephora or, if you're on a budget, Duane Reade. Don't be fooled by what's on the box! Some of these highlighters can be used on the brows, inner lids, cheekbones, upper lip, brow and even a lil' dab on the lips can be used to brighten them up.

Tip #8: Blush is a good extra in waking the face for the working diva. A light pink blush would look good on fair skin tones whereas plum or rose color would look good on darker tones. These colors will look good because they have a glow that will have (and keep) all eyes on you!

Tip #9: A bright, red lip gloss (or lipstick, if that is your thing) draws attention to your face, makes teeth look whiter and will have all the boys' heads turnin' with their eyes on your luscious lips.

Tip #10: Got 3 minutes? That is all you need for this cute winged-out liner look! All you have to do is start with a thin line of liner across the lid, then go over it once again and extend the line a wee bit. Voila! Look at you, Cleopatra!

Tip #11: Sometimes in the winter, your hands can get dry and cracked. If you've got at least 3 minutes, you can apply two coats of clear nail polish on your nails and have them looking instantly cleaner. Ahh!

Tip #12: Don't dismiss clear mascara! If your parents do not allow you to wear make-up, or if you don't like the feeling of it on your face, clear mascara brightens the eye and gives the illusion that you have something on your lids when you really don't. Totally natural but still luscious!

Tip #13: If you also hate the feeling of lip gloss, then you can wear chap-stick that tastes delicious also. I would recommend a cherry-flavored chap-stick or any sweet-smelling brand, or if you hate the way those taste, Blistex is on the rise!

Tip #14: If you hit the snooze on your alarm a little too long, you can apply a coat of mascara on your lashes followed by a shimmery, sweet, lip gloss. It's totally subtle and gives you the natural look. People will be wondering how in the world you look so fab!

Tip #15: There are some people in life who go for pizazz, excitement and drama. If you are like me, you love all those things! If you want to really stand out, try a jewel-toned color for your eyeshadow (like topaz, emerald, etc.) and sweep it across your lids. Also, after applying a coat of mascara, you can add a coat of tinted mascara on top. This has different colors like purple or blue. These two colors whiten the look of the eyes and are great for when you want those wacky days!

Hope you enjoy these beauty secrets! If you have any comments, questions or ideas that you'd like to talk about, post a comment on the site. Until next time, my fabulous divas!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Under Pressure" by Chadrawattie Kadar

Under Pressure

by Chandrawattie Kadar

So often we hear students (well, mostly teenagers) complain about peer pressure. Yet, some of us still can't understand the reason for this pressure. Sometimes all you have to do is say, "No." Saying no doesn't mean you are a punk or want to back down. It just means you are strong enough to know where you want to go in life. Saying no prevents you from making mistakes that you will regret later in life. Making mistakes is part of life, but knowing that you can make the right choice without regretting it later is a wonderful thing. People should make mistakes so they can learn from them, not because someone else told them to. As we grow older, friends, companions and maybe even family are going to be putting us under pressure, but there is a limit to everything. I know the circumstances of saying no to your family can be really hard, especially if you're the kind of person who lives to please your parents. I'm not saying this is a bad thing. It shows you have respect for them. I would do anything for my parents, but sometimes you have got to say, "No." You cannot live someone else's life. You only get one chance at living the life you want, so you have got to make the most of it. We have got to grab every chance in life like it is our last. There is no time for regrets and what ifs.

Pressure from Parents

As I have observed for the past couple of weeks, teenagers who say no to their parents feel as though they are a disappointment. For some people, that can be very discouraging. It makes you stop wanting to try. What's the use? It doesn't matter anymore. Well, I've got news for you: Don't live your life to please anyone. I know you go by the rules, but sometimes you've got to break out. Make choices that are going to benefit you in the long run. It's hard trying to live up to people's standards. I know, because I have tried not once but many times til I've realized that that is just not who I want to be. In a couple of months or years, you might feel the same way.

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is another reason why many people give in. Listen to this: "Come on. All of us are cutting math class. Who wants to take a quiz anyway? We are just going to walk around and get some lunch," says the coolest kid in your class. Now tell me, would you do what is right and go to class, would you skip because the cool kid said so?

As we get older, we will be faced with many challenges. For some of these challenges, we won't have a right or wrong answer. Sometimes the answer won't even be clear, but whatever you decide will effect your life. Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another, it can get even more complicated. Peer pressure comes from people your age (like your classmates) and sometimes even your parents. Your peers influence your life--even if you don't realize it--because you spend so much time with them. You learn from them, and they learn from you. it's only natural to listen and learn from others in your age group.

Why do some teenagers (or people in general) give in to peer pressure?

Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to fit in. They want to stand with the cool crowd. Being popular is a major reason for a kid to give in. Some kids give in because they are scared that they will get teased and made fun of. You have to be a leader, NOT a follower. I know it's hard to fit in, but sometimes the coolest thing to do is say NO. Giving in may seem like the best answer, or like the coolest thing, at the moment, but really it's not. Saying yes to those that are trying to bring you down only proves to them that they can get you to do what they want. On the other hand, others just go along with peer pressure because they are curious to try out new stuff. To tell you the truth, the idea of "everyone is doing it" might influence you to leave your better judgment or your common sense behind.

How can you walk away from peer pressure?

I understand it is tough to be the only one to say no to peer pressure but you can do it. Plus, paying attention to your beliefs and how you feel can help you make the right decision. Inner strength and self-confidence can help you stand firm, walk away and resist doing something wrong when you know better. It would be even easier to make good decisions if you have a peer or friend that is willing to say no too. It's wonderful to have friends with similar values as yours. These are friends who are going to back you up when you don't want to do something. Have your teachers or parents ever told you to choose your friends wisely? Well, peer pressure is one of the main reasons why they say that. Even if you are faced with peer pressure, just say no and walk away. Better yet, make new friends. Just stay away from the peers that pressure you to do things you don't want to do. If that doesn't work, talk to someone you trust. And please don't feel guilty if you made a few mistakes because life is all about making mistakes. We have got to make them in order to learn from them, right? Peer pressure isn't always a bad thing. It just depends on what type of friends you have. Hang out with friends that make it possible for you to say, "My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me."

Friday, January 16, 2009

Fiction: Sheena Bits #2

Samantha Sydney

by Sheena Silva

Here, spinning slowly and swaying along with the sound of what I pretended to be music, holding her waist closer and stronger to me with each rhythmic new step towards the future we make together, life almost feels essential.  Caused by our sudden movements, her sweet but frightening smell lingers about, grasping me in a fantasy world that mother never once read to me about when tucking me in as a child.  But now I long to hear the story.

Lights are flashing from every direction, making me as blind as her beauty never hesitates to do, creating a more rainbow-colored scene.  Leaning her head on my shoulder as if it were her own cotton pillow, she begins to whisper pure nothings in my ear, healing it from all that was before unexpectedly and undesirably heard.

As time flies, our dance is becoming more fused, and soon enough we are complimenting each other like colors; filling the room with not only our moves but our presence; attracting not only ourselves but others around us.  I am feeling their starving eyes piercing my back, ad I am hearing their raw, vicious thoughts and opinions in between her genuine and kind whispers.

I don't want to let go, I think.  Why can't we be treated the same?  Could two girls together intimately ever give off the impression they were normal?

Then suddenly she grabs my tear-splashed face, and, as if being able to hear my thoughts, she holds on tighter.  Promising, with her hands alone, that we are going to be together--no matter what mind-crushing obstacles we face.

"Battle of Brooklyn Preview!" by Anthony Haywood

Grand Street vs. Midwood

by Anthony Haywood

Date: 1/22/09
Time: 5:00 pm

It's that time of year again, and it's certainly what Grand Street Campus Wolves fans and Midwood Hornets fans live for: rivalry games.  Dating back to 2005, the Wolves are 1-6 against the buzzing Hornets with the last win coming three years ago in 2006.  Of course, we had an all-star roster and that year the Wolves took the division by storm, but the spirit of that '06 Wolf pack is hovering around this '09 team, and it should give them an edge in the game.

Come out to this game.  It's going to be held in the Grand Street Gym and the music is going to be the best of the 21st century.  There will be some giveaways, and the fans are going to go wild.  Everyone who's anyone at the Campus will be there.  Come out and show your support for your Lady Wolves!!!!!!!!!!!!


Simone Victor: #32, Senior, 17.17 ppg, 4.13 assist
Bette Davis: #0, Senior, 8.71 ppg
Tamara Jones: #45, Sophomore, 4.86 ppg
Edith Santiago: #1, Senior, 6.20 ppg

Victoria Story: Senior Guard, 10.75 ppg
Jessica Previlon: Senior Forward, 17.75 ppg, 7.75 boards
Brittany McFadden: Junior Guard, 7.13 ppg

Poetry: 2 Poems by Crystal Johns

But Still I Stand

by Crystal Johns

After, but still I stand.
Before, but still I stand.
When time has stopped, where will I be?
But when shall I fall, either after or before?
I'm strong within my heart, but weak inside my soul.
What happened to me?
Was that just a stupid dream?
Something planned extremely well?
But still I stand, I'm a mountain, one tall as can be.
How can you know when I'm weak or even when I'm really strong?
As the petals from up above come tumbling down,
I cry--but with a joyful smile.
With much hurt and pain in my heart,
I still stand strong with a brilliant and talented start,
But STILL I stand,
The colors behind the huge, black wall lies:
Yellow, blue, red, green, black, and sometimes white.
With all this
But still I stand.


by Crystal Johns

Sadness lives within me, the insane passion grows internally in my flesh.
Sadness wounds my soul and pierces my heart.
Sadness walks slowly over me as my guide.
It follows me left and right.
X marks the spot that sadness ripped apart.
Proudly and boldly, I stand with a higher power,
What is known as happiness.
It stands strongly in front of me,
Guiding me through tough struggles.
My sadness always stands behind me.
I cry--lonely--to an invisible shadow,
Speaking unspoken words, crying unseen tears, yelling,
But still no one hears
Sadness shall never,
Will never take over or control me.
Happiness shall always succeed.
Sadness is slowly killing me.

"What is your style?" by Tatyana Anthony

By Tatyana Anthony

Everywhere you go, you see fashion.  It's all over New York City.  But you know who's really got fashion?  The kids in the schools.  We have got all types of fashion.  Some kids even make up their own styles.  The style that is in right now is skinny jeans.  In the past, people who wore them got played out.  Now, all of a sudden they are back in style.  Everybody wears them--young and old.  Also, Jordans and Nikes are very cool and very popular.  I'm not saying that other brands are not cool, but that is what you see most people wearing these days.

When skinny jeans were in style three or four years ago, only girls wore them.  Who knew that boys were going to start wearing them in 2008?  I never thought that would happen.  The typical Progress girl wears a nice shirt (the brand doesn't matter), a pair of skinny jeans and hot sneakers.  The typical Progress boy can usually be found wearing a big shirt, slightly-more-loose skinny jeans and some fresh sneakers.

But that's not the only style.  I remember the other day, while walking through Progress, I saw this girl.  She wasn't in skinny jeans, and she didn't have Nikes or Jordans.  She had an unfamiliar style--one you really don't see often.  But it was very nice.  She almost had a fifties-style look.  She, and other kids like her, show that creating your own style can be just as hot as following the latest trend.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Poetry: 5 Poems by Anthony Haywood

From Boy to Man

Dedicated to Old Friends

It's time for me to break out.
I've got to burst this bubble. This automobile
has four wheels and inside lies my struggle.
Done nothing but run me over, back &
forth, causing lots of trouble. I'm going pop
every wheel and let this car crash.
Blow out my pains to keep from going insane.
Heal my wounds real fast. Time to expose my true face
bare never ashamed to hide behind a mask.
And when that struggle is dead, I'll be a whole
new man. I'll get back on up and on my own
two feet. I'll try to stand to one day say:
I can do anything now, cause I believe I can.
Those of you who think you knew me
when I was lying down,
left me to rot while you
painted red on the town. Now that you
see a new me, your smiles turn to frowns in disguise.
You're nothing but a blue-nosed clown
bright and I'm hype because I'm the
college-bound type. Even when trouble and fear
backed me in a corner, I still stood to fight.
And although I wear glasses, I never needed
them to see the light.

Point of View

Dedicated to America

I am, I am, I am stuck. Stuck to
the point of not breathing.
Held back by all different stereotypes
trying to keep me from achieving.
They had me believing that life was all fair.
I said, "Hey, mom, you're looking at the next
President of the United States here."
She said, "I'm sorry, my son, but you can't go there."
I said, "Why, mom? My hopes you just took?"
She said, "No, my son, you don't have the right look."
I said, "Look? You mean the one on my face?"
She said, "No, my son. You just aren't the right race."
I said, "But, moms, I have a lot of heart."
She said, "Sorry, my son, but your skin is too dark."
I said, "So, is it because I'm Black?"
She said, "America is racist, and that's just a fact."
I said, "So, mom, is it ever gonna change?" And still to
this day she didn't answer me back.
But that right there was just one point of view.
If Martin Luther King had a dream, I guess I can too.

Hoping for Her Hopelessly

Dedicated to Rochelle

For all the people who assume that I'm exaggerating
Waiting for my perfect girl so soon I'll be dating
Her hips and lips make my
Temperature rise and it's got
My heart baking
Faking drowning just to get a kiss
From her CPR got me waiting
First time I saw those eyes wide
Shining bright
I knew that soon I wasn't going to
Leave without a fight
But it's like hoping she would be
Mine and our love would last forever night
I think it's right that I assume five
Foot four would be her height
Not a Princess but an Elizabeth-like Queen
Other guys get jealous heads turn
When we would walk onto the scene
Pray every night for this dream
Hard to believe but it seems
For every day that goes by nothing
Is ever achieved
Wonder if I walked right by her
And she looked but I looked mean.

A Dream Come True

Dedicated to Avianca

When I first met my dream girl
I realized I no longer was asleep
To describe her in one word
Would be like climbing a hill that's steep
It's a hard-to-do task
She came to me this year maybe
Because it was God that I asked
This girl is like candy and
I have a sweet tooth
I touched her just to see if it was
An illusion or mirage just to tell you the truth
But all I felt was smooth velvety skin
34, 25, 36, those are the measurements of a body so slim
Voice like a cool breeze,
When I hear her speak it makes my heart tingle
Being with her doesn't only mean
Now I'm no longer single
It really translates into
The fact that I am one of those big puzzles
And it's so hard to find it but she's
The last piece she completes me so and when
I'm with her we are at peace
Just like your best memory, I will not let her go
Avianca, you are my queen, I'm not afraid to let everyone

Love, At First Sight

Dedicated to Women

My love for you is like Charmin's tissue
Soft, gentle and very beautiful.
When I'm next to you
It feels like my face turns blue
Because it feels like
I'm holding my breath, waiting to gather up
Enough to say one word,
To let you know I want you to be my boo
So I can do something
That no man has done for you.
Every day I ask myself
How could someone so
Gorgeous be looking at me
I'm thinking I should act quickly
For you every time I see, still
Wondering to myself, 'Am I worthy?'
One day, I hope that I can gather
Up the courage to speak
Because a dream date with you is what I seek
8:00, Friday, how about next week?